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Hair Care

How to use black seed oil for hair growth and texture

It is expected to lose 50 to 100 hair strands daily, but sudden or irregular hair loss or shedding can cause concern. This problem can be resolved by using black seed oil for hair growth.

Black seed, scientifically known as Nigella sativa, has been used as a natural remedy for various ailments in many cultures for centuries. It is often called the "universal healer" due to its legendary healing properties. This is high in the antioxidant thymoquinone, which can boost immunity, combat infections, and reduce inflammation throughout the body, including skin and hair.

Black seed oil in hair care is potent because of its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, which help maintain a healthy scalp. Additionally, its antihistamine content boosts stimulation, promoting hair growth.

Let's discuss how black seed oil works for our hair!

Black seed oil- A magical oil for hair

Black seed is a commonly used ingredient in beauty and hair care remedies. The oil extracted from these seeds possesses antioxidant properties that can aid in alleviating inflammation on the skin. This oil also benefits overall scalp and hair health due to its rich composition of bioactive compounds, providing natural wellness.

Promotes Hair Growth

Black seed oil for hair is a well-known hair growth stimulant because it contains nigellone and thymoquinone, powerful antihistamines. Its properties help to keep hair follicles healthy and conditioned while improving circulation to the scalp, which ultimately promotes healthy hair growth.

Additionally, the Omega 3 and 6 biomolecules in black seed oil help blood flow, particularly in the head, contributing to fast hair growth. Black seed oil can be a reliable and secure alternative when controlling hair fall.

Addresses Dandruff

Do you suffer from dandruff? If so, black seed oil is a natural remedy you might want to consider. It contains a rich source of B vitamins and minerals such as zinc, which can nourish your hair, moisturize your scalp, and help fight skin inflammations that cause dandruff.

This excellent oil will not only soothe the itching but also reduce flakiness, improve root strength, and enhance the appearance and feel of your scalp and hair.

Help calm down skin irritation and inflammation

Black seeds contain antifungal and antibacterial properties, making them an excellent choice for your hair to reduce skin irritations. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help heal damaged hair.

Moreover, black seed oil can treat scalp conditions like psoriasis and eczema, common causes of hair damage.

Say No to Dry Hair

It's not just about growing hair but also about maintaining its quality. Black seed oil contains palmitic acid, which makes hair soft without leaving any sticky residue.

Additionally, this oil is rich in fatty acids, which help strengthen, soften, and condition each hair strand.

Improves Scalp Health

A healthy scalp leads to healthy hair, so paying attention to your scalp is necessary. Black seed oil possesses anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic (painkilling) properties that aid in sustaining scalp health.

It also has a moisturizing effect on the scalp and also balances oil production.

Ways to use black seed oil for hair

Direct Application

Take a generous amount of black seed oil to your palm. Rub it on your palm, then apply it to your scalp. Apply a circular motion of massage using your fingertips. This can help promote blood circulation.

Dilute oil massage

Mix black seed oil with carrier oils to give your hair additional benefits. Take the dilute oil on your palm, then massage it gently to your scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it with your favorite JC shampoo.

To get the best result, leave it overnight.

As a hair growth mask

To make this mask, combine black seed oil with a nourishing hair mask containing ingredients such as egg or organic aloe vera gel and apply it to your scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes before washing it off.

Give your hair a leave-in treatment

After washing and drying your hair, apply a small amount of black seed oil to your scalp and hair as a leave-in conditioner.



Juicy Chemistry's Chilli, Horsetail & Black Seed Hair Oil is a 100% natural and organic hair oil clinically proven to enhance hair growth and reduce hair fall. It is a freshly made, handmade product that does not contain any dyes or synthetic fragrances.

The Chilli seed oil in this hair oil contains capsaicin, which stimulates blood flow to your scalp, while horsetail helps to grow dense and shiny hair. Additionally, black seed hair oil helps to keep your scalp free from skin inflammation and irritations.
