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The Right Way To Patch Test A Product

You receive a brand new product and you are eagerly waiting to incorporate it into your routine. But will the ingredients suit you? Can you introduce it to your routine immediately? Will it cause any side effects?

The answer to these questions lies in the most important disclaimer on your product- 'Patch test before use.' A crucial step to follow before you introduce any new product in your skincare or haircare routine is to conduct a skin test for the product.

What Does A Patch Test Mean?

A patch test is a process conducted to determine any known, unknown allergies which may be unintentionally induced by the new product in your routine.

This simple process is going to help you immensely to make sure that you reduce the chances of skin allergies or skin rash. Although many of you may be aware of the meaning of patch testing, it is important to know the right way to do it.

How To Patch Test A Product?

You can patch test at home with 3 easy steps.
  • Apply the product behind your ear or on the inner elbow part.
  • Wait for 24 hours and observe the area for any visible signs of irritation or allergies.
  • During these 24 hours, look out for any visible signs of irritation- skin rash, redness,
  •      skin allergies, itching, etc.

    How To Know If The Product Is Not Suitable For You?

    If after the patch test you face any irritation on the inner elbow or backside of the ears then the product should not be used further.

    Sometimes the product can pass the patch test but give you any unusual results later. If this happens, you to discontinue the product.

    How To Know Which Ingredient Failed The Patch Test?

    If you have an allergy reaction to a specific product from the brand does not mean the product is not good enough. It also doesn't mean that the entire brand’s products won't suit you.

    Your skin most likely didn’t tolerate an ingredient. So noting down the ingredient list of a product that doesn’t suit you is a good way to pinpoint the ingredients that caused a bad reaction.

    When another product fails during patch testing, you can compare both ingredient lists to find any common ingredients which could be the culprit.

    Can I Use The Product If It Passes The Patch Testing Process?

    Facial skin is often delicate compared to our body. So before you proceed, you may perform another patch test for safety.

    Once you have patch tested a product on your inner elbow or behind your ear, do an additional patch test on the face before using or including it in your routine.

    In the case of hair care products, you can apply the product to a small part of the scalp to patch test it.

    If it works, introduce the product in your routine twice or thrice a week and observe for any signs of irritation, skin allergies or rashes.

    If at this point, the product passes the skin test i.e. the initial patch testing and slow routine introduction, you can include the product in your routine according to the product's usage instructions.

    Even if you try a new product that doesn't contain any ingredient that you know will cause any allergies to you, you must always patch test it.


    • Can I patch test two products at a time?
      No, You need to patch test one product at a time. Also, while introducing a new product make sure that the other products you are using will work well with the new one.
    • Why did the product not suit me or pass the patch test even though it's for my skin type?
      It depends on everyone's individual skin tolerance levels and sensitivity. So even if the product in question is designed for your skin type, it may or may not suit you.
    • Can I Use The Product Which Doesn't Suit Me Again After A Few Weeks Or Months?
      If the product has given you a skin rash or allergy the last time you used it, it is best to not use it again and note down the ingredients for future referenc

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